Sunday, October 19, 2008


Holy Crap!! Record crowds on Opening Night - Oct 18, 2008!! I'm calculating a little over 700 people went through the barn, I had calculated once that our max capacity a night is around 500 - 600 people. 5 hours --- putting groups through every 3 minutes (groups of 5) = 500. Some groups have 3 or 4 .... some have 6 or 7 (if they're little kids). Some groups go faster and hit the mark in under 3 minutes and some walk slower but for the most part 500 MAYBE 600 on a really good night. We still had a huge line at midnight last night. We were shoving people through every 2-3 minutes. There could be 4-5 groups inside the barn at different spots at any given time. It was crazy busy. The actors didn't get a chance to breathe. Going to the bathroom was out of the question for some who were in elaborate outfits. They had to wait till it was all over!! I tell you ....... being a monster is a hard job. It's cold, dark, dusty, and dangerous to be in there. People swat at you when they're scared. They kick, they push, they start flinging their arms around. If you're too close to them, you'll get socked. They don't mean to hit but if you're good at what you do and you really scare them --- they might react by throwing up their hands and if your nose is in the way -- watch out!!
We collected 2,032 cans of food ---- a new record for 2008. We're taking our first load to the food pantry tomorrow. I'll tak pics when we deliver it!! :o) Click on for LOTS of pictures. Hopefully we'll have video up and running soon!! :o)