Monday, September 8, 2008

Building Begins!!

On Sept 6th we had Matt from Wyoming come out to help us prep the arena and the barn for building. He tells us that his parents used to participate in a haunted house back at his hometown in Wyoming. So he's not new to the process of building something of this magnitude. The only difference is that they start 3-4 months BEFORE the event. We have 30 days.
I spend the afternoon dragging the arena and getting the footing broken up and prepped for the boards. Matt and Dani started sheeting the perimeter of the arena. When that was all done we started taking off stall doors in the entry way and cobbing and sweeping. Yes .... I know .... spiderwebs are good for a haunted barn .... but not real ones. I HATE spiders. I can handle fake cobwebs but not real ones. The real ones gotta go. .....and then don't you hate when you're cobbing and trying to stay out from underneath the cobber so the spiders don't fall onto your head .... but then they always do fall on you and that is SO NOT RIGHT!!! EEEEWWWWW!